Gobierno de Canarias

Propósitos Invisibles

Sorry, We achieved that the Canary Islands felt prouder
than ever of its people. 
Not sorry.


Sorry, the Canary government wanted a Christmas campaign to send out their best wishes for the holidays, and they gave us the challenger of doing something different in record time.


Ensure that an institutional campaign would stand out during the most saturated time of the year for messages.


We met with four real pairs of Canary Islanders, who at first thought they didn’t know each other, but through an interview we revealed to them that the people next to them had done a lot for them without intending to.

We thus highlighted the value of ‘Invisible Proposals’, all these things that Canary Islander men and women do without setting out to do, which truly define us more as a society than a list of words written for the New Year.

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