
Business Innovation Hub

Sorry, We live in a world
that is constantly evolving. Paradigms are changing faster and faster, and that requires a comprehensive transformation
in companies to remain competitive. Not sorry


We live in a world that is constantly evolving. Paradigms are changing faster and faster, and that requires a comprehensive transformation in companies to remain competitive.


Keeping that in mind and understanding transformation as a process and not as a milestone, we created AVAT, a hub formed by four companies with expertise in different but complementary business disciplines (BIPLAZA, Mindset, Zaguán y Flecher.Co), focused on business-oriented innovation, to create today the companies of tomorrow.

The future is not going to be a better place, that one you dream of, if you just sit and with for it to come alone. It’s time to step forward.

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(+34) 910.601.258